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We ask that parents support our concern for orderly deportment by our students on the grounds of AlBaqir Academy and anywhere we may visit on a field trip. All students should consider themselves representatives of AlBaqir Academy, Islam, and Muslims and it is expected that their

behaviour will reflect positively on themselves, their school, and their community.

Should any one student persist in acting in an inappropriate manner, the Principal reserves the right to withdraw the student from the school program and school fees would be forfeited. Students and parents will be given ample advance notice.

School supports for general deportment and behaviour:

By the teacher:

Phone call home

Student/teacher meeting

School detention

Deprivation from participation in certain school activities

By Administration

Parent Conference

Social Worker referral

and counselling

Deprivation from some school privileges



Every person in the school has the right to be safe and respected. Each individual is expected to be responsible, respectful, reasonable, and religious under the auspices of Islamic law and Alberta Education statutes and policies.

This Code of Conduct shall be made publicly available on the School website and shall be provided to all staff, students, and parents.


This Code of Conduct shall be reviewed each school year.


Every student is expected to:

  • hold Islam in high esteem through your speech, your actions, and your interaction with

  • others;

  • implement religious morality and modesty;

  • show motivation, optimism, and pride towards school and learning;

  • approach learning with the diligence and care it deserves;

  • adhere to the school's Islamic dress code and correct uniform;

  • show care for school property and the belongings of others;

  • behave safely at all times;

  • focus on consistently demonstrating the traits of Makārimul Akhlāq – Excellence in Conduct.

  • demonstrate respect to all staff and students at school and off school;

NOTE: According to Section 24 of the School Act, students engaged in any unacceptable behaviour, such as bullying, harassment, or anything that goes against the moral tone of the school, as well as any of the items listed in sections titled Physical Safety and Suspension, whether or not the behaviour occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means, may be subject to suspension and possible legal consequences. Consequences will take into account the student’s age, maturity and individual circumstances. Moreover, support will be provided for students who are impacted by the inappropriate behaviour, as well as for students who engage in inappropriate behaviour.

Support offered by the Administration may include the following:

  • Parent Conference, and

  • Social Worker referral and counselling.

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